We are proud to offer this exceptional new educational tool made from a leading source for Earth image products with accurate Glow-in-the-Dark Cities.
It is a tool for children and adults that replicates our Earth with no boundaries,
no edges and no limitations.
This 16" inflatable Spaceship Earth Globe is made from thousands of NASA
photos taken in 2003 that show the present view of Earth from Space.
It is beautiful, bold, and extremely useful in school, at home and as the icon
for the future of our planet.
To see a quicktime movie of astronauts in space holding
an Earthball Click
You can clearly see:
- Landforms
- Terrain
- Climate features
- Cloud patterns
- Relief contour of the oceanic floor
- The magnificent reflection of coral reefs
- Accurate Glow-in-the-Dark Cities
These globes are changing the way we use globes forever. Order your Earth Globe